When adding this question to my collection, I was surprised to find that a version of the Punch cartoon from November 1895 had been published six months earlier (May 1895) in a rival magazine (pointedly entitled Judy). According to Wikipedia, "An editor at Judy accused Punch of plagiarism, saying in an editorial, 'anyone can see the coincidence for themselves.'"
Even Judy's cartoonist was not being completely original however. Wikipedia refers to "an anecdote in Our Bishops and Deans (1875) by Rev. F. Arnold, referenced in an issue of The Academy: A Weekly Review of Literature, Science, and Art: 'Without pledging our credence, we could afford a grin to the story of the 'young Levite' who at a bishop's breakfast–table, was so 'umble as to decline the replacement of a bad egg by a good one with a 'No thank you, my Lord, it's good enough for me'."
© Haydn Thompson 2020